Recent Examples of TTA

Denver (FY16)

The Denver Research Partner offered a 45-minute presentation for the local PSN team on the different approaches to constructing and implementing chronic offender lists.  His own experiences in LA, Chicago, and Cambridge were used as well as slides approved for sharing by Milwaukee.  A fruitful
discussion ensued after the presentation with members of the Denver PD (gang unit, detectives, analysts, and command staff), the DA's Office, and Parole.

As part of the Denver PSN efforts, a “gun-violence-focused compilation of offenders” approach will be used as one strategy to reduce gun crime and gang violence.  A comparison of the models presented revealed that the Cambridge model aligned best for replication in Denver. 

A PSN technical assistance request for a Cambridge Crime Analyst to build and replicate their model for Denver’s purposes was made and approved by BJA and MSU.  The analyst will apply the formulas to Denver's data.  The Research Partner had access to and approval to share the data with Cambridge’s analyst which allowed for a “smooth hand off”.  A presentation by the Research Partner and Cambridge Analyst on how to use the database will be offered for the Denver PSN team upon completion.  An After Action Report summarizing the steps and application of the strategy will be provided to MSU and BJA.  The TA is expected to be complete within 2-3 months. 

For additional information on this TA event or for making a similar technical assistance request, contact Heather Perez, PSN TTA Coordinator,

Brookhaven (FY16)

The Brookhaven Research Partner and PSN Point of Contact, a Brookhaven Police Department Sergeant, with the support of the U.S. Attorney’s Office requested technical assistance funds for community engagement/program subject matter experts from the Atlanta (FY15) site to travel to Brookhaven to support and train the primary Brookhaven community partner in implementing an after-school program which proved beneficial for Atlanta's PSN efforts.  The TA will occur over a 6 month period.  An After Action Report summarizing the steps and application of the program will be provided to MSU and BJA. 

For additional information on this TA event or for making a similar technical assistance request, contact Heather Perez, PSN TTA Coordinator,

Omaha (FY16)

The MSU PSN TTA Coordinator will travel to Omaha to attend a regional Body Worn Camera training. While on site, the Coordinator will meet with various PSN team members to assist with suggestions for new or different funding opportunities, discuss data and analysis changes within the Omaha Police Department, inquire about interest in presenting at the Innovations Suite Researcher Practitioner Fellows Academy in Chicago on February 27-March 2, 2018, and address any additional questions or need for TTA.